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Permanent residence card

A permanent residence (PR) card shows your permanent resident status in Canada. A valid PR card is needed to travel back to Canada from any other country along with passport or travel document if you are still a citizen of another country.

Permanent residency (PR)-What you should know


What Permanent residents can do 

Permanent residents are entitled for most social benefits;can live ,work or stay anywhere in Canada and have protection under Canadian law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


How can you maintain permanent residency

In order to maintain PR status,you must meet the permanent residency requirements,which is you must stay in Canada for 730 days in past 5 years.


What Permanent residents cant do

Permanent residents are NOT same as Citizens of Canada and Permanent residents do not have Canadian passport and cannot vote or run for political office, and cannot hold some jobs that need a high-level security clearance.


What if you do not renew

You do not loose your PR status if your PR card expires ! You can lose your permanent resident status if :1) an adjudicator determines you are no longer a PR after an inquiry or PRTD appeal or
2) you voluntarily renounce PR status or
3) a removal order is made against you and comes into force or
4) you become a Canadian citizen

Sample title

Apply for Citizenship 

You may become a Candian Citizen by Naturalisation (Been permanent resident first) or being born to a Canadian parents. For citizenship additional requirements are-you lived in Canada for at least 3 out of the last 5 year,have filed taxes, pass a citizenship test, prove language skills in English or French.